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Future space vehicles:Visions of Spaceflight in the 21st Century
For future human travelers to sail affordably and routinely across the Solar System in a reasonable amount of time, the power of rockets or other kinds of propulsion systems must be doubled or quadrupled.
Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama have an Advanced Space Transportation Program that is conducting propulsion research designed to find revolutionary ways of "packaging energy" that will improve dramatically every aspect of spaceflight – from launch to rapid travel across the Solar System and beyond.
NASA wants:What does NASA have on the drawing board? Transports might be driven by antimatter, fusion, electrodynamics, tethers, chemicals, space sails, lasers or other energy beams. Below are some of the concepts, as depicted by NASA artists, of what future vehicles might look like:
Bold new missions in space
Routine economical access to space
Reduced trip times throughout the Solar System and beyond
Routine human missions throughout the Solar System
Learn more about space travel:
Antimatter propulsion
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Boussard Ramjet fusion propulsion
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Electrodynamic tether
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Jovian electrodynamic tether
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Laser propulsion
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Beamed energy propulsion
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Pulsed detonation rocket engine
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Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS)
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Space-based laser reboost
[click to enlarge]Source: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Advanced Space Transportation Program ^ top of this page Marshall Space Flight Center NASA MSFC
Space Transportation NASA MSFC
NASA headquarters NASA
Advanced Space Transportation NASA MSFC
In Space Transportation NASA MSFC
Revolutionary Propulsion Research NASA MSFC
Hypersonics NASA MSFC
Starship 2040 NASA MSFCHistory of Space Travel NASA
Russian Aviation and Space Agency ROSAVIAKOSMOS
International Space Station NASA
China National Space Administration China
European Space Agency ESA
National Space Development Agency of Japan NASDA
Rocketry and Space Flight Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum
How Spaceflight Works How Stuff Works
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