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Spaceports Around the World:

Norway's Andøya Rocket Range

Rocket launch at Andoya Rocket Range
Suborbital rocket launch during European Space Camp for youngsters
Andoya Rocket Range image
Positioned far north of the Arctic Circle at 69° North and 16° East, Norway's Andøya Rocket Range is the northernmost permanent launch facility anywhere in the world.

AAR is the launch site for all rocket and science-balloon operations on Norwegian territory. The site's high latitude is good for studying the atmosphere and ionosphere. More than 800 sub-orbital rocket launches have taken off from Andøya.

ALOMAR. Norway's ALOMAR Observatory is a network of groundbased lidars, radars and spectrometers used to study the dynamic and photochemical processes in Earth's middle atmosphere. Those measurements sometimes are coordinated with rocket and balloon launches from the Andøya Rocket Range and with satellite passes overhead.

Arctic Balloons. The Royal Norwegian Air Force uses the Andøya Rocket Range for balloon launchings and aircraft operations in the Arctic region.

EASP. Esrange Andøya Special Project (EASP) is an arrangement between European Space Agency (ESA) membners to use the Andøya Rocket Range for the launching of sounding rockets and science balloons. Such operations have been going on since 1972.

Longyearbyen. The launch base at 78° North, Longyearbyen is well located for long-duration balloon flights, including circumpolar flights.

Svalbard. On the arctic archipelago at 79° North, the Svalbard launch site is well situated for rocket studies of the dayside polar cusp, cleft and cap and for scientific exploration of the dayside aurora and the magnetospheric boundary layer.

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