China At A Glance |
The People's Republic of China is the most populous nation on Earth with 1.3 billion people in 2005. India is second largest with 1 billion people.
China includes:
- 23 provinces, including Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province
- 5 autonomous regions
- 4 municipalities
- 2 special administrative regions – Hong Kong and Macau
The Government: The government of the People's Republic of China has a single political party with one legislative house.
The national capital is at Beijing.
The chief of state is called president. The head of government is called premier.
China's Languages: The eight main languages of China are the official Mandarin Chinese plus Yue, Wu, Hakka, Xiang, Gan, Minbei and Minnan.
National Diversity: Percentages of ethnic composition of the population as of 1990 were:
- Han (Chinese): 91.96
- Chuang: 1.37
- Manchu: 0.87
- Hui: 0.76
- Miao: 0.65
- Uighur: 0.64
- Yi: 0.58
- Tuchia: 0.50
- Mongolian: 0.42
- Tibetan: 0.41
- Puyi: 0.23
- Tung: 0.22
- Yao: 0.18
- Korean: 0.17
- Pai: 0.14
- Hani: 0.11
- Kazak: 0.10
- Tai: 0.09
- Li 0.09
- other 0.51
China's Religions: Percentages of religious affiliations as of 1980 were:
- Nonreligious 51.9
- Chinese folk-religion 20.1
- atheist 12.0
- Buddhist 8.5
- Christian 6.0
- Muslim 1.4
- other 0.1
Money: China's monetary unit is 1 Renminbi (yuan) (Y). Its valuation as of August 24, 1999 was:
- 1 British pound equals 13.22 yuan
- 1 U.S. dollar equals 8.28 yuan
- Population (2005): 1,306,313,812
- Population (1998): 1,242,980,000
- Density (1998): 336 persons per square mile; 130 persons per square kilometer
- Urban-rural as of 1997:
- 32 percent urban
- 68 percent rural
- Sex distribution as of 1995:
- 51.03 percent male
- 48.97 percent female
- Households as of 1995:
- Average rural household size is 4.5
- urban household size is 3.2
Births & Deaths: Vital statistics
- Birth rate per 1,000 population as of 1997: 16.4 (world average 25.0)
- Death rate per 1,000 population as of 1997: 7.1 (world average 9.3)
- Total fertility rate (average births per childbearing woman) as of 1997: 1.8
- Marriage rate per 1,000 population as of 1995: 7.7
- Divorce rate per 1,000 population as of 1995: 0.9
- Life expectancy at birth as of 1997:
- 68 years for males
- 72 years for females
- Average workweek: 48 hours
- Material life as of 1995.
- Urban families possessing (number per family):
- bicycles 1.9
- televisions 1.2
- washing machines 0.9
- refrigerators 0.7
- sewing machines 0.6
- cameras 0.3
- Rural families possessing (number per family):
- bicycles 1.5
- televisions 0.8
- sewing machines 0.7
- washing machines 0.2
The National Economy:
- Gross domestic product (1997 estimate): U.S.$ 4.25 trillion (U.S.$
3,460 per capita)
- Household income and expenditure:
- Average annual income per household is U.S.$1,396 (current exchange
rate: 1 Chinese yuan equals 12.08 U.S. cents)
Education: Education and health
- Literacy as of 1995: 81.5 percent of population over the age of 15
- Health as of 1995: Approximately one physician for 628 persons; one hospital bed for 384 persons
- Infant mortality (1997): 39 per 1,000 live births
The Military: Active duty personnel as of 1997 totaled 2,840,000, including:
- army 73.6 percent
- navy 9.9 percent
- air force 16.5 percent
Learn More About China in Space
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