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You may scroll down this page or click a letter here to jump down the alphabetical list:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

D/L Downlink
DA Data Analysis
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DAD Deployment Assist Device
DAR Deviation/Waiver Approval Request
DC Direct Current
DCL Document Change Log
DDF Director's Discretionary Fund
DE Dynamics Explorer
DESPA Space Science Group at Meudon
DGSE Development Ground Support Equipment
DGSW Development Ground Software
DHU Data Handling Unit
DM Development Model
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMILL Durci Mixte Isolant Logico Lineaire
DMP Development and Management Plan
DMR Detailed Mission Requirements
DNL Digital Noise Level or Differential Non-Linearity
DOC Degree of Constraint
DOD Depth of Discharge
DPA Destructive Physical Analysis
DPD Data Procurement Document
DPU Data Processing Unit
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRD Data Requirements Description
DRL Data Requirements List
DRL Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft and Raumfahrt (Germany)
DSAD Digital Solar Attitude Sensor
DSN Deep Space Network
DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
DSP Digital Signal Processor
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