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You may scroll down this page or click a letter here to jump down the alphabetical list:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

r Eastern time zone, U.S.A.
R_sun Solar Radius
R/T Real-time
RAAN Right Ascension of Ascending Node
rad Radian
radar radio detecting and ranging
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Drives
RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
RAM Random Access Memory
RAO Resources Analysis Office
RB Radiation Belt Mapper
RBD Reliability Block Diagram
RBM Radiation Belt Mapper
RCS Revision Control System
RHESSI Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
REV Revision
REV Revolution
RF Radio Frequency
RFGSE RF Ground Support Equipment
RFO Request For Offer
RFP Request for Proposal
RGA Residual Gas Analyzer
RIDS Review Item Discrepancies
RIU Remote Interface Unit
RM Risk Management
RMP Risk Management Plan
RMS Root Mean Square
ROM Read-Only Memory
ROM Rough Order of Magnitude
ROSETTA ESA comet probe
ROSI Ratheon Optical Systems Incorporated
RR Requirements Review
RSDO Rapid Spacecraft Development Office
RSN Remote Service Node
RSS Root Sum Square
RT Remote Terminal
RW Reaction Wheel
RY Real Year
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